Family & Consumer Sciences
Family & Consumer Sciences
FCS Extension programs aim to improve the quality of individual and family life through education, research, and outreach.
What is Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)?
FCS stands for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension. FCS programming focus on building assets of individuals and families to address problems faced across the lifespan. Family and Consumer Sciences Extension emphasizes well-being with a focus on human development, parenting, resource management, nutrition, health and leadership development.
At the community level, FCS Extension prepares individuals for community and economic development and activity. Professionals in Family and Consumer Sciences Extension provide the tools to help individuals and families to develop resources for strengthening families and building community for an ever changing society.
November- Holiday Bazaar
29th Annual Holiday Bazaar was held November 12th at the Henry County Fairgrounds. This event, once again, was a roaring success!
Henry County Homemaker Clubs
Henry County has a variety of Homemaker clubs that welcome anyone wanting to join. There are monthly lessons provided by the University of Kentucky on varying topics voted on by club members. If you are interested in joining a club or starting your own club, please contact Krista at the Extension Office for more details. Click here for Homemaker Enrollment Form
Homemaker Clubs
Country Ladies- Terry Heffley, President
Jericho- Saundra Smith, President
Town & Country- Nancy Heightchew, President
Loving Local Ladies- Diana Baxter, President
Living Well- Maryellen Garrison
Mailbox Members
Cultural Arts
Additional Information
FCS Offerings in Henry County
FCS Book Club
Henry County Extension Book Club meets once a month on the third Wednesday at 1:30pm at the Extension Office
FCS Quilting Group
The quilting group is for any level and meets weekly. For details, please contact Krista at 845-2811
Food Preservation
Recipe of the Month
Farmers' Market
Henry County Farmers' Market is comprised of local farmers selling homegrown produce, handmade crafts and homemade wares.
Learn MoreKrista M. Perry
Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science
(502) 845-2811 Henry County Extension Office 2151 Campbellsburg Rd., New Castle, Kentucky 40050-0246The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
Eleanor Roosevelt